3 Simple Ways to Prevent Weight Gain as we Age
Did you know one of the biggest contributors to middle age weight gain and chronic metabolic illnesses isn’t eating too many carbs or sugar, the biggest cause not having adequate amounts of muscle. Muscle is the most metabolically active tissue in our body, it burns sugar, it takes more calories to sustain and the more muscle we have the more calories we burn at rest.
Here is the bad news- as we age we also lose muscle- it is called Sarcopenia In fact, we can lose up to 5% of muscle each decade once we hit 35. UGH! What’s more is that muscle loss is accelerated if we are sedentary and have an unhealthy diet. However you can do something about it. Aside from leading an active and healthy lifestyle, here are some specific things you can do to stop losing that muscle:
1. Resistance Training: Putting your muscles under tension creates micro tears in them, when they recover and rebuild the fibers get bigger and stronger. There are several methods to resistance training, using lighter weights and going with higher reps (12-20 reps); using heavy weights and lower reps (5-10 reps), or a mix of the two. Studies show the most effective way to build lean muscle is to lift heavy weights and use lower reps. If you don’t have heavy weights, go slower and keep your muscle under tension longer (ie holds or 5 counts down and up). However, the most important thing is that you are doing it at least 3x per week.
2. Eat Protein at EVERY SINGLE MEAL. The US Recommended Daily Amount is .5g per pound of body weight, this IS NOT ENOUGH. You should be consuming 1 g per pound of body weight in other words at least 15-30 grams every time you eat. This not only includes your breakfast lunch and dinner but snacks too. Seem like a lot? It isn’t and here is why. As we age, our ability to synthesize protein decreases, so the amino acids that we consumed from a chicken breast in our 20s was more highly available to our muscle cells than they are now. Muscles must grow from something and when it comes to muscle growth, protein is the foundation.
Below are some example of good protein choices and the number of grams in each. Be sure to choose grass fed, wild caught and organic whenever possible.
· 4 oz chicken breast: 25 grams
· 1 egg: 6 grams
· 1 cup of greek yogurt: 22 grams
· ½ cup cooked quinoa: 12 grams
· 1/2 cup shelled edamame: 8g
· 1 cup cooked lentils: 7g
· 4 oz tempeh 15g
· 4 oz salmon 26g
3. Supplement with Protein Powder Daily. And I can’t think of a better way to consume it than in an MCFIT Smoothie! Protein powders are an excellent and convenient way to ensure your body gets a quick delivery of protein, especially post workout. Below are my recommendations:
· Whey protein, dairy based. Contains 20-30g per serving. Hands down Whey is the most optimal protein powder source. Choose one that doesn’t contain added sugars. I recommend my MCFIT Natural Whey Protein.
· Plant Protein. Contains 15-20g per serving. Choose one that does not contain brown rice (as this can be allergenic). I recommend Sun Warrior Warrior Blend
· Collagen Powder. Collagen is the most abundant protein in our body. It can be found in our joints, cartilage, connective tissues, hair, skin and nails. As we age, we lose collagen. However, since it is not a complete protein, I don’t recommend it as main source of protein in your diet. It Contains 10-20g per serving. I recommend Ancient Nutrition or Primal Kitchen
There you have it. 3 Easy ways to preserve your muscle and ensure that you continue to stay strong and lean for life. As always I am here to help support you reach your health and fitness goals. If you have questions or concerns give me a shout!
Your Coach,